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Anya azonban kijelentette, hogy megvárja, amíg jobban leszek, és majd csak azután ad nevet és jelöltet meg. Nem vett tudomást asuttogva elhangzó figyelmeztetésekről, hogy mi történik azokkal akisbabákkal, akik jelöletlenül halnak meg. Így történt, hogy húsz napig alaktalanul, név nélkül léteztem, amíg aztán egy napon anyám így szólt: Miközben átvágok aBírálócsarnok és akormányépület közötti ösvényen akicsit távolabb álló piaci standok felé, észreveszem, hogy mosolygok.

Ink - Alice Broadway - Google Books Ink - Alice Broadway - Google Books

The Skin Books (or INK) trilogy is a series of young adult fantasy/ dystopian novels written by Alice Broadway. Ink, the first book in the trilogy, was her debut novel. The publication rights were acquired by Scholastic UK for a three-book deal in early 2016. [1] Odasiettem apám mellé. Egyre nagyobb szüneteket tartott alélegzetvételek között. Anyával közelebb hajoltunk hozzá, és megfogtuk akezét. Azon tűnődtem, vajon melyik lesz az utolsó, amikor minden elnémul, hogy aztán felébredjen atúlvilágon, és újra lélegezni kezdjen. Egy felszakadó zihálással apa hirtelen kinyitotta aszemét, és egyenesen rám nézett. Akeze szorosan megmarkolta az enyémet. Kibontotta ujjait anya kezéből, és megragadta abőrszíjon lógó medált, amit mindig anyakában hordott. Egy vékony, durván faragott fából készült falevél volt, afába belevésték alevél erezetét. Az amedál éppúgy hozzá tartozott, mint atetoválásai. Mindig viselte.

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A térnek ezen az oldalán állva mögöttem van amúzeum – akedvenc helyem. Magasra nyúló falai körül lépcsők kanyarognak, fölénk tornyosul kőpilléreivel és íves ablakaival. Sötétnek és félelmetesnek tűnik innen, de amikor belépsz, odabent világos és barátságos ahangulat. Apa gyakran vitt el ide. Agondolatra nyelek egyet, és hirtelen megborzongok az épület árnyékában, de aztán továbbsietek.

Alice Broadway Ink Trilogy Collection 3 Books Set - Goodreads

A tér túloldalán, afüves részen, afákon és padokon túl váratlan nyüzsgésre és jövés-menésre leszek figyelmes. Látom, hogy akormányépület előtt hangosbemondókat állítanak fel, és egy ideiglenes pódiumot ácsolnak. Az épület egy hatalmas, L alakú dobozhoz hasonlít, amely atér két végét összeköti. Talán valami megbeszélést tartanak, amiről megfeledkeztem. Az emberek kezdenek odagyűlni, néhányan felállnak apadokról, és közelebb mennek, miközben halk beszélgetést hallok. Ahogy megpillantom akormányépületet, eszembe jut, hogy nemsokára esedékessé válik az igazmondó vizsgálatom. Azt hiszem, nemsokára behívnak. Ezen évente át kell esni, hogy gyónhassunk. Hirtelen felvillan egy éles kép afejemben, amikor apa először hozott el ide, még tizennégy évesen. There is a strong tattoo community and culture and one of the key people in helping me access and understand it better was Beccy Rimmer from Inkluded [ http://inkluded.co.uk]. Beccy is a great writer and is evangelical in her desire for the tattoo community to be open to all, offering excellence both in care and in creativity. Her own tattoos are beautiful and her writing ranges from poetic to practical. I love what she and Inkluded are doing and she really inspires me.A close friend put me in touch with an incredible artist, Emma Kierzek from Aurora Tattoo in Lancaster [ www.auroratattoostudio.co.uk]. Emma kindly agreed to me coming to see the studio and interview her. The experience of chatting to Emma while she added outlining to a work in progress was incredible: I loved seeing her cheerfully talking about her craft while busily and beautifully tattooing a customer (who had given permission for me to be there!). It was particularly great to meet a woman who has won multiple awards and who spoke passionately about the work she does because I wanted to capture some of that spirit in my main character Leora, who has always wanted to be an ‘inker’. Children's Book Award 2018 | Federation of Children's Book Groups". The Federation of Children’s Book Groups . Retrieved 7 May 2019. There are no secrets in Saintstone…… Every action, every deed, every significant moment is tattooed on your skin for ever. When Leora’s father dies, she is determined to see her father remembered forever. She knows he deserves to have all his tattoos removed and made into a Skin Book to stand as a record of his good life. But when she discovers that his ink has been edited and his book is incomplete, she wonders whether she ever knew him at all.

Ink | BookTrust Ink | BookTrust

After her defiance against the teachings of Saintstone and its government, Leora is presented with an opportunity only possible because of her mixed heritage. The government want to use her to infiltrate Featherstone, home to the blanks, so that they can be forever rid of them. However, Leora wishes to learn more about herself and her parents, and now no longer welcome among her own people and the mayor, Longsight, threatening her loved ones should she not comply with his demands, she is sent to earn the trust of the blanks. a b c "Children's Book Review: Ink by Alice Broadway". www.publishersweekly.com . Retrieved 15 May 2019.In the first installment of the series, main protagonist Leora Flint lives in the town of Saintstone, where the residents mark their skin with important life events through the medium of tattoos. When a person dies, their skin is flayed and then, should the deceased be found worthy, preserved in a 'skin book' for remembrance. A tradition which has been passed down through generations, the marked community are taught that the purpose of inking their skin is to unburden their lives of secrets and deception, and after death they are flayed so they may live freely in the afterlife. In Leora’s society, the most important moments of a person’s life are tattooed upon their skin for everyone to see. People can’t hide their secrets from those around them, and skilled specialists are trained to read the story of a person’s life by the marks on their skin. When a person dies, their skin is tanned and turned into a book of their life – to be either treasured and passed down by their family members, or destroyed if the person is judged to have lived an immoral life. More than anything else, those in Leora’s community fear “blanks”– those who choose to abstain from the practice of tattooing their skin. After the death of Leora’s father, while she awaits judgement on his life, Leora uncovers an alarming family connection to the blank community. The more she learns, the more she comes to question everything she’s ever been told. When Leora’s father dies she doesn’t question that he will be found worthy at the Weighing of the Souls ceremony and the book of his skin, his life story, will be returned to her family. She knows how good a man he was, how loved and admired he was by his friends and family. Children's Book Award Books for Older Readers Blog Tour Round-up | Federation of Children's Book Groups". The Federation of Children's Book Groups . Retrieved 7 May 2019.

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